Free worksheet

Transform Your Yoga Practice with the 12-Week Journey Goal Worksheet!

Elevate your yoga experience and ignite a profound transformation within.

Introducing the transformative 12-Week Yoga Challenge Goal Worksheet – your personalized roadmap to achieving balance, mindfulness, and self-discovery.

Get your worksheet today!

Ready to embrace a radiant transformation? Get Your Worksheet and embark on a journey of wellness and self-discovery today. Sign up with your name and email and you'll recieve the worksheet now.

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    Unveil Your Potential: Embark on a 12-week journey that will take you through four enriching phases:

    1. Foundation and Alignment: Establish a rock-solid yoga routine and perfect your poses for optimal alignment.
    2. Breath and Mindfulness: Dive into pranayama and mindfulness practices to enhance presence and tranquility.
    3. Progress & Personalization: Set and conquer flexibility goals, explore advanced poses, and customize your practice.
    4. Embrace Yoga Philosophy: Immerse yourself in timeless wisdom, infusing yogic principles into your daily life.

    What's Inside:

    • Expertly designed phases to ensure steady progress and growth.
    • Thoughtful reflection questions to deepen your self-awareness.
    • Empowering affirmations to nurture a positive mindset.
    • Guidance to recalibrate and continue your journey beyond 12 weeks.

    Your Transformation Awaits: Experience the holistic benefits of yoga as you evolve physically, mentally, and spiritually. This worksheet is your companion, your guide, and your source of inspiration as you step onto your mat with purpose and passion.

    Love and light,

    Dawn M. Rivers